Group photo of THJRC team members brainstorming around a table

Our Team

This project has brought together a team that transcends departmental, institutional, disciplinary and social boundaries to address health and justice inequities experienced by underserved populations as they intersect with the criminal justice system (CJS). Our Community Advisory Network (CAN) of individuals impacted by the CJS and community partners/ service providers have guided all Cluster activities. Their voices and perspectives are invaluable to setting priorities for the health, wellbeing and dignity of all individuals and communities impacted by the CJS.

These collaborations hold the potential for transformative impact on society through deconolonizing, culturally safe, inclusive, strengths-based, participatory and meaningful engagement with individuals impacted by the CJS.

The Cluster is co-led by Dr. Helen Brown, Dr. Sofia Bartlett and Dr. Lyana Patrick. The Project Coordinator and main contact person is, Samantha Young and our Peer Coordinator is Pam Young.

Core Leadership Team

THJRC Membership Network

Name Organization/Affiliation Department Email
Bartlett, Sofia School of Population and Public Health
Blyth, Emily SFU
Brown, Helen UBC, Critical Research in Health and Healthcare Inequities (CRiHHI) Research Unit School of Nursing
Coultee, Chas UBC & IRSSS
Crier, Nicolas Transformative Health and Justice Community Advisory
Elwood Martin, Ruth UBC School of Population and Public Health
Erickson, Margaret UBC
Falle, Patrick UVIC Sociology
Janssen, Patricia UBC School of Population and Public Health
Keating, Patrick Transformative Health and Justice Community Advisory
Kish, Nyki UBC
Korchinski, Mo UBC School of Nursing
Krabbe, Janina S. UBC School of Nursing
Krüsi, Andrea UBC Medicine
Nicholls, Tonia UBC Psychiatry
Palis , Heather UBC Psychiatry
Patrick, Lyana SFU Community Health Sciences
Price, Roberta UBC School of Nursing
Salmon, Amy Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Services (CHEOS)
Scow , Marnie UBC School of Population and Public Health
Slaunwhite, Amanda Provincial Overdose Cohort, BC Centre for Disease Control Collaborating Scientist, Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research
Wasegijig, Jean UBC
Young, Glenn UBC School of Nursing
Young, Pam UBC School of Nursing
Young, Samantha UBC School of Nursing

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm.

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