Tonia Nicholls
Faculty of Medicine
Nicholls is Professor Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, UBC and Distinguished Scientist BC BCMHSUS. Her research examines the intersections of law and mental health among marginalized populations (mentally ill, homeless) using primarily prospective and retrospective empirical designs. She has been the PI/ Co-I on national and international projects funded by SSHRC, CIHR, MSFHR, MHCC and NCE (the International Collaboration for Excellence and Innovation in Mental Health in Corrections (I-CEIsMIC) is mobilizing an international and interdisciplinary network of leaders in correctional mental health). She has been a team member on grants and awards totaling> $15 million (current year, $1.2 million). Published over 100 chapters, articles, books, and several psychological measures (e.g., Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START), START: Adolescent Version; Jail Screening Assessment Tool, Decision making In Abusive Relationships Interview) adopted into practice widely at the international level (e.g., START >10 translations). Her team received the 2017 Significant Contribution Award, Criminal Justice Section, Canadian Psychological Association. She has been the recipient of provincial (MSFHR Career Scholar award; Mind Foundation Young investigator award), national (3 CIHR ‘Brain Star’ Awards, CIHR New Investigator Award, CPA President’s New Researcher Award), and international awards (APA Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions; Chad Buckle Visiting Fellowship in New Zealand). She presently holds a CIHR Foundation Grant (>$2 million).